Croppricer, Software for Crop Production

Free 3 Month Croppricer™ Trial

If you would like to test drive Croppricer, that's easy too. We'll give you three months to evaluate Croppricer. If you like it at that time, we'll invoice you for the balance of the five year subscription ($300.00). And, at that time you'll receive a flash drive with a complete set of tutorial videos that provide support whenever and wherever you need it. During the trial period the software is fully functional, however the tutorials are only available on line.

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: PC systems only, no Macs at this time, Microsoft Excel 2007 or later.

HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: Requires USB port for installation of files once purchase is made.

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: Excel must have ability to run macros.

If you have questions, call me at 800-624-2174; or send me an e-mail at


Request Croppricer Demo

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Agronomist Broker/Adviser Crop Consultant Educator Farm Financial Institution Grower Other
If Other, please explain,

I understand this is a free 3 month trial and all tutorials are available only on line.

How much is 4+4?


Introduction to Croppricer

What is Croppricer
Click Now! You can't afford not to!

Interview with Max Armstrong

Interview with Max Armstrong and Harold Lindsey
Click to hear this taped interview.


Tel: 800-624-2174

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